Charter by Robert de Graham, Lord of Weyliston, to the Church of St Mary of Melrose, of the patronage of the Church of Torbolton, 11th July 1342
Charter by Robert de Graham, Lord of Weyliston, to the Church of St Mary of Melrose, of the patronage of the Church of Torbolton, 11th July 1342
Number of Facsimile
Robert de Graham, Lord of Weyliston
The Church of St Mary of Melrose
Vniuersis sancte matris ecclesie filiis presentibus et futuris, Robertus de Graham dominus de Weylistoun, in baronia de Walterochiskyle infra tenementum de Torboltoun, salutem in Domino : Noueritis me, pro salute anime mee et anime Emme sponse mee ac liberorum nostrorum, et pro salute animarum omnium antecessorum et successorum meorum, dedisse, concessisse, et hac presenti carta mea confirmasse Deo et beate Marie de Melros, ac monachis ibidem Deo seruientibus et in perpetuum seruituris, ius patronatus seu aduocacionem ecclesie de Torboltoun infra tenementum predictum, quam habui ex donacione Johannis de Graham domini nuper de Tarboltoun, veri patroni eiusdem, et ex confirmacione domini mei Roberti senescalli Scocie et capituli Glasguensis, sede vacante, cum omnibus
et singulis pertinenciis, iuribus, libertatibus, commoditatibus
et aisiamentis tam nominatis quam non nominatis ad dictum patronatum seu aduocacionem spectantibus seu quouismodo spectare valentibus, vna cum decem acris terre arabilis quas eisdem limitaui nomine glebe, videlicet, septem acris que vocantur Vnthanche, et tribus acris proximioribus dicte ecclesie de terra de Carnegolayn, in liberam, puram et perpetuam elemosinam, quietam et solutam ab omni terreno seruicio, consuetudine, exaccione seculari et demanda, ita libere, quiete, plene et honorifice, sicut aliquod ius patronatus seu aduocacionis alicuius ecclesie in regno Scocie ab aliquibus personis ecclesiasticis uel secularibus, a quocunque patrono, liberius, quiecius, plenius et honorificencius tenetur uel possidetur : Et ego Robertus predictus et heredes mei totam ius patronatus seu aduocacionis ecclesie predicte prefatis religiosis et eorum successoribus in omnibus
et per omnia, vt predictum est, contra omnes homines et feminas warantizabimus, acquietabimus et in perpetuum defendemus : In cuius rei testimonium huic carte sigillum meum apposui ; hiis testibus, domino Roberto senescallo Scocie, milite, domino capitali de Tarboltoun, dominis Johanne et Johanne Senescalli de Prewyc et de Derneley, Duncano Cambell, Johanne de Lyndesay de Thorystoun, et Alexandro de Rath, militibus, Roberto Walys tunc vicecomite de Are, Jacobo Boyde, Nicholao filio Walteri, Patricio filio Hugonis, et aliis : Apud Machlyn, ximo die mensis Julii, anno gracie millesimo trecentisimo quadragesimo secundo.
et singulis pertinenciis, iuribus, libertatibus, commoditatibus
et aisiamentis tam nominatis quam non nominatis ad dictum patronatum seu aduocacionem spectantibus seu quouismodo spectare valentibus, vna cum decem acris terre arabilis quas eisdem limitaui nomine glebe, videlicet, septem acris que vocantur Vnthanche, et tribus acris proximioribus dicte ecclesie de terra de Carnegolayn, in liberam, puram et perpetuam elemosinam, quietam et solutam ab omni terreno seruicio, consuetudine, exaccione seculari et demanda, ita libere, quiete, plene et honorifice, sicut aliquod ius patronatus seu aduocacionis alicuius ecclesie in regno Scocie ab aliquibus personis ecclesiasticis uel secularibus, a quocunque patrono, liberius, quiecius, plenius et honorificencius tenetur uel possidetur : Et ego Robertus predictus et heredes mei totam ius patronatus seu aduocacionis ecclesie predicte prefatis religiosis et eorum successoribus in omnibus
et per omnia, vt predictum est, contra omnes homines et feminas warantizabimus, acquietabimus et in perpetuum defendemus : In cuius rei testimonium huic carte sigillum meum apposui ; hiis testibus, domino Roberto senescallo Scocie, milite, domino capitali de Tarboltoun, dominis Johanne et Johanne Senescalli de Prewyc et de Derneley, Duncano Cambell, Johanne de Lyndesay de Thorystoun, et Alexandro de Rath, militibus, Roberto Walys tunc vicecomite de Are, Jacobo Boyde, Nicholao filio Walteri, Patricio filio Hugonis, et aliis : Apud Machlyn, ximo die mensis Julii, anno gracie millesimo trecentisimo quadragesimo secundo.
To all the sons of Holy Mother Church, present and future, Robert Graham, lord of Walston, in the barony of ‘Walter Óg’s Kyle in the holding of Tarbolton (Ayrshire), greetings in the Lord: Let it be known that I, for the salvation of my soul and the souls of my spouse Emma and of our children, and for the salvation of the souls of our ancestors and of our successors, have given, granted and by this my present charter confirmed, to God and Blessed Mary of Melrose and the monks serving God there and in perpetuity serving, the right of patronage or advowson of the church of Tarbolton in the aforesaid holding, which I had from the donation of John Graham formerly lord of Tarbolton, true patron of the same, and from the confirmation of my lord Robert, steward of Scotland, and the chapter of Glasgow, vacant see, with each and every one of its pertinents, rights, liberties, commodities and easements, whether named or unnamed, belonging to the said patronage or advowson, or which ought to belong to it in any way, with ten acres of arable land which I surveyed in the name of glebe, namely, seven acres that are called ‘Unthank’, and three acres nearest the said church of the land of Cairngillan, in free, pure and perpetual alms, quit and free from all earthly service, custom, secular exaction and demand, freely, quietly, fully and honourably, as freely, quietly, fully and honourably as any right of patronage or advowson of any church in the kingdom of Scotland is held or possessed from any ecclesiastical or secular person, by whichever patron. And I, the aforesaid Robert and my heirs, will warrant, acquit and defend forever all right of patronage or advowson of the aforesaid church for the aforesaid religious and their successors against all men and women in all things and in every respect. In testimony of these things, I have appended my seal to this charter. By these witnesses, Lord Robert, steward of Scotland, knight, chief lord of Tarbolton, Lords John and John Stewart of Prestwick and of Darnley, Duncan Campbell, John Lindsay of Thurston and Alexander of Raith, knights, Robert Wallace, then sheriff of Ayr, James Boyd, Nicholas son of Walter, Patrick son of Hugh, and others. At Mauchline, [on] the eleventh day of July, [in] the year of grace 1342.
215mm x 182mm
Number of copies held
Document Information
Manuscript references: Location uncertain.
Printed edition:
Sir William Fraser, The Scotts of Buccleuch, vol. ii (Edinburgh, 1878), no. 5 (with facsimile)
Printed edition:
Sir William Fraser, The Scotts of Buccleuch, vol. ii (Edinburgh, 1878), no. 5 (with facsimile)
Date recorded
“Charter by Robert de Graham, Lord of Weyliston, to the Church of St Mary of Melrose, of the patronage of the Church of Torbolton, 11th July 1342,” School of History, Classics and Archaeology Teaching Collections, accessed February 19, 2025,