School of History, Classics and Archaeology Teaching Collections

Charter by King Robert the Bruce to James, Lord of Douglas, of the lands of Polbuthy in Moffatdale, 15th December 1318




Charter by King Robert the Bruce to James, Lord of Douglas, of the lands of Polbuthy in Moffatdale, 15th December 1318

Number of Facsimile









King Robert the Bruce


Sir James, Lord of Douglas


Robertus dei gracia Rex Scottorum / Omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre Sue Salutem / Sciatis nos dedisse concessisse / et hac presenti Carta nostra confirmasse dilecto et fideli nostro / Jacobo domino de Duglas Militi / totam terram de Polbutthy infra Vallem de Moffet per omnes Rectas diuisas suas et metas / Tenendam et habendam prefato Jacobo et heredibus suis de nobis et heredibus nostris in feodo et hereditate / libere et quiete / plenarie et honorifice cum omnibus comoditatibus / libertatibus / et aysiamentis ad dictam terram pertinentibus scu aliquo iure ∙ pertinere Valentibus in futurum / Reddendo inde nobis et heredibus nostris / dictus Jacobus et heredes sui / singulis annis Duodecim Sagittas Latas pro omni alio servicio exactione seu demanda / In Cuius Rei testimonium presenti Carte nostre Sigillum nostrum precepimus apponi / Testibus Bernardo Abbate de Abirbrothov Cancellario nostro / Thoma Ranulphi Comite Moravie et domino Mannie / Gilberto de Haya / Roberto de Keth / Johanne Wischard et Fergusio Marescalli Militibus apud Abirbrothoc ∙ Quintodecimo die Decembris / Anno Regni nostri Terciodecimo.


Robert, by the grace of God King of the Scots, to all good men of his whole land: greeting. Know that we have given, granted and by this our present Charter confirmed to our beloved and faithful James Lord of Douglas, Knight, the whole land of Polbutthy, in the valley of Moffet, by all its right boundaries and marches, To hold and to have, to the foresaid James and his heirs, of us and our heirs in fee and heritage, freely and quietly, fully and honourably, with all commodities, liberties and easements to the said land belonging, or that may by any right belong in time to come, Paying for the same to us and our heirs the said James and his heirs every year twelve broad arrows for all other service, exaction or demand. In witness whereof we have commanded our Seal to be affixed to our present Charter. Witnesses, Bernard Abbot of Abirbrothoc our Chancellor, Thomas Ranulph Earl of Moray and Lord of Man, Gilbert de Hay, Robert de Keth, John Wischard and Fergus Mareschal, Knights. At Abirbrothoc, the fifteenth day of December, in the year of our reign the thirteenth.


289mm x 162mm

Number of copies held


Document Information

National Manuscripts of Scotland, vol. ii., plate XXII, p. 16

Date recorded



“Charter by King Robert the Bruce to James, Lord of Douglas, of the lands of Polbuthy in Moffatdale, 15th December 1318,” School of History, Classics and Archaeology Teaching Collections, accessed November 14, 2024,