Charter by King William the Lion to the Church of St Mary of Jedburgh, confirming prior grants and privileges, c. 1165
Charter by King William the Lion to the Church of St Mary of Jedburgh, confirming prior grants and privileges, c. 1165
Number of Facsimile
King William the Lion
The Church of St Mary of Jedburgh
Willelmus Dei gracia Rex Scottorum, Episcopis, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Justicijs, Vicecomitibus, ceterisque hominibus totius terre sue, Francis, Anglis, et Scottis, conctisque Sancte Dei Ecclesie fillijs: salutem. Ex suscepto regimine regni incumbit nobis Ecclessiam Dei et ecclesiasticas diligere personas, et non solum de nostris eis benefacere set et beneficia ab alijs regni nostri principibus et fidelibus, Deo et ecclesie Sante Marie de Jeddewrde, et canonicis ibidem Deo seruientibus collata sunt, presenti eis priuilegio confirmamus. Videlicet: ex dono Regis Dauid monasterium Jeddewrde cum omnibus ad illud pertinentibus; capellam quoque que fundata est in saltu nemoris contra Xernwingeslawe; decimam totius venationis Regis in Theuietedale; Uluestonam, Alnecliue iuxta Alnecrumb, Crumesethe, Rapeslaw, cum rectis diuisis ad easdem villas pertinentibus, in bosco et plano, pratis, pascuis et culturis; Vnam maisuram in burgo Rochesburg; Vnam maisuram in Berewic super Tuedam cum tofto suo circumiacente; Unam aquam que est contra insulam que uocatur Tonsmidhop; Eadwardesle; pascua animalium proprie ubi et Regi; Ligna nemorum et materiem ad suas necessitates, ubi et ipse, preter in Quikeheg; Molturam molendini de omnibus hominibus Jeddwrde ubi castellum etst; Vnam salinam iuxta Streuelin; Rulam Hereuei, per suas rectas diuisas, in nemore et plano, pratis et pascuis, et aquis, et in omnibus rebus ad eandem villam iuste pertinentibus, datam in escambio x libratarum terre quas prefati canonici habuerant in Hardighestorn. Ex dono dilecti fratris mei Regis Malcolmi, ecclesiam de Bartona, et ecclesiam de Grendona, et in burgo meo de Jeddewrde unum toftem et vij acras; et in domibus suis quas habent in burgo meo de Berewic, talem libertatem, scilicet ut nullus ministrorum Regis tunella vini a mercatoribus illuc allata et ibi euacuata exigere presumat; Et unam piscariam in Tuede, illam scilicet que est supra pontem, quam Willelmus de Lambertona auo meo liberam et quietam reddidit. Ex dono Gospatrici vicecomitis, in Craaling unam carrucatam terre et dimidiam, et tres acras cum ij maisuris. Ex dono Berengarij Engain unam marcam argenti in molendino eiusdem Craaling, Et ij bouatas terre cum uno villano et uno tofto, et ad sustentamentum uictus capellani capelle eiusdem ville seruituri, alias ij bouatas terre cum alio tofto, et unum aliud toftum iuxta ecclesiam. Ex dono Dauid Olifer, decimam molendini eiusdem Craaling. Ex dono Oromi filijs Eilaui vnam carrucatam terre in altera Craaling. Ex dono Ricardi Angli duas bouatas terre in Scrauesburg, et duas bouatas terre in Langeton. Ex dono Gameli clerici, Cauerum, Osulfo et Vghtredo filijs eius concedentibus illius donantionem. Ex dono Margarete vxoris Thome de London, concedentibus eodem Thoma et Henrico Louel filio eiusdem Margarete, Vghtredesxaghe cum suis rectis diuisis. Ex dono Christiane vxoris Geruasij Ridal, terciam partem ville de Xernwingeslawe. Ex dono Gaufredi de Perci, ecclesiasm de Oxenham cum ij carrucatis et ij bouatis eidem ecclesie adiacentibus, et communem pasturam et communem foaliam eiusdem Oxenham; et Niwebigginghe, et communem pasturam et communem foaliam eum ceteris hominibus eiusdem ville Oxenham, quam scilicet Niwebigginghe, Henricus de Perci post mortem predicti Gaufredi fratris sui, ante dilectum fratrem meum Regem Malcolmum concessit canonicis datam. Ex dono Radulfi filij Dunegal et vxoris eius Bethoc, vnam crracutam terre in Rughechestre, et communem eiusdem ville pasturam. Ex dono Turgot de Rossedal, domum Religionis de Lidel, cum tota terra ei adiacente; ecclasiasm quoque de Kirchandres, cum omnibus ad illam pertinentibus. Ex dono Guidonis de Rossedal, assensu et consensu Radulfi filij sui, xlij acras inter Esch et Lidel, ubi Esch et Lidel conueniunt. Et libertatem aque a fossa de Lidel usque ad ecclesiam de Lidel. Ex dono Ranulfi de Soles, ecclesiam de valle Lidel, et ecclesiam de Dodintun iuxta Bertonam, ed dimidiam carructam terre in Nasebith. Ex dono Geruasij Ridal, qui post factus est canonicus Jeddewrde, et Radulphi fratris sui, ecclesiam de Alboldesle cum omnibus pertinentijs et rectitudinibus suis. Ex dono Willelmi de Veteri Ponte vnam carrucatam terre de dominio suo in Caredene, cum communi aisiamento ville. Hec autem omnia ita integre et plenarie, Deo et Beate Marie et supradictis canonicis concedo et confirmo, sicut in autenticis predecessorum meorum et aliorum proborum uirorum qui bona predicta eis contulerunt, scriptis continetur. Volo itaque ac firmiter precipio, ut omnia quecunque modo possident, vel deinceps iuste possessuri sunt, ita libere et pure, omni remota exactione, suprafati canonici mei pace perpetua, cum omnibus monisterij sui libertatibus, liberisque consuetudinibu, confirmatione et auctoritate mea possideant, sicut aliqui cononici possessiones et libertates, libersque consuetudines sui monasterij, siue quelibet ecclesiastica iura, liberius, quietius atque honestius possident. Huius autem concessionis et confirmationis mee testes hi sunt: Ricardus Episcopus de Sancto Andrea, Engelram Episcopus de Glasgw, Johannes Abbas de Calceo, Euerardus Abbas de Holcultram, Nicholaus Cancellarius, Matheus Archidiaconus de Sancto Andrea, Ricardus capellanus, Walterus filius Alani, Richardus de Moreuilla, Philippus de Valonijs, Robertus Auenel, Bernardus filius Brien, Gillebrtus filius Richerij, Dauid Ouieth. Apud Pebles.
William by the grace of God King of the Scots, to the Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, Justices, Sheriffs, and to the other men of all his land, French, English, and Scots, and to all the sons of the Holy Church of God: greeting. Seeing we have assumed the government of this kingdom, it is our duty to cherish the Church of God and persons belonging to the Church, and not only to confer the benefits on them of our own means, but also to confirm by our royal authority, and perserve to them in their integrity, the benefits conferred on them by other faithful servants of God. Thence it is that we, by the advice of our good men, confirm by ther present privilege, the possessions and goods that have been devoted to God and the church of St. Mary of Jeddewrde and to the Canons serving God there, by our predecessors, and by other princes and liegemen of our kingdom. To wit: Of the gift of King David, the monastery of Jeddewrde with all things belonging to it; Likewise the chapel that was founded in the glade of the wood over against Xernwingeslawe; A tithe of all the king’s game taken in Thevietdale; Ulveston, Alneclive beside Alnecrumb, Crumesthe; Rapeslawe, with the right marches pertaining to these towns, in wood and plain, in meadows, pastures and tilled lands; One dwelling in the burgh of Rochesburg; One dwelling in Berwic; Likewise a third dewlling in the same Berwic upon Tvede with its surrounding toft; One water that is opposite the island that is called Tonsmidhop; Eadwardeslee; Pasture for their own cattle wherever the king is; Firewood from the woods and timber for their wants as he himself has them, except in quick-hedge; Mill multure from all the men of Jeddewrde where the castle is; A salt-pit near Stirling; Rule Hereuey by its right marches in wood and plain, in meadows and pastures, and in all things justly belonging to that town, given in exchange for ten pounds of land that the aforesaid canons had in Hardinghestorn. Of the gift of my beloved brother King Malcolm, the church of Barton and the church of Grendon; And in my burgh of Jeddewrde one toft and seven acres; And in their houses that they have in my burgh of Berewic such liberty, to wit, that none of the king’s officers presume to exact the tons of wine brought thither by merchants and there emptied; And one fishing in Tuede, that to wit which is above the bridge, which William of Lamberton gave up free and quit to my grandsire. Of the gift of Gospatric the sheriff, in Craaling one ploughgate of land and a half, and three acres with two dwllings. Of the gift of Berengar Engain a mark of silver in the mill of the same Craaling, and two oxgates of land with one villan and one toft. And for the support of the chaplain who shall serve the chapel of that town, two other oxgates of land with another toft; And one other toft beside the church. Of the gift of David Olifer, a tithe of the mill of the same Craaling. Of the gift of Orom son of Eilaf, a ploughgate of land in the other Craaling. Of the gift of Richard the Englishman two oxgates of land in Scrauesburg, and two oxgates of land in Langeton. Of the gift of Gamel the clerk, Cavers, Osulf and Ughtred his sons concurring in that gift. Of the gift of Margaret the wife of Thomas of London, Ughtredesxaghe with its right marches, the said Thomas and Henry Lovel the wife of the said Margaret granting along with her. Of the gift of Christian the wife of Gervase Ridal the third part of the town of Xernwingeslaw. Of the gift of Geoffrey of Perci, the church of Oxenham with two ploughgates and two oxgates adjacent to that church, and common pasture and common fuel of that said Oxenham; And Niwebigginghe, and common pasture and common fuel with the rest of the men of that town of Oxenham, which, to wit Niwebigginghe, Henry of Perci after the death of the aforesaid Geoffrey his brother granted in gift to the canons in presence of my beloved brother King Malcolm. Of the gift of Ralf son of Dunegal and of his wife Bethoc, one ploughgate of land in Rughechestre, and the common pasture of that town. Of the gift of Turgot of Rossedal the hermitage of Lidel, with all the land adjacent to it; likewise the church of Kirchandres, with all things pertaining to it. Of the gift of Guy of Rossedal, of the aforesaid Geoffrey his brother granted in gift to the canons in presence of my beloved brother King Malcolm. Of the gift of Ralf son of Dunegal and of his wife Bethoc, one ploughgate of land in Rughechestre, and the common pasture of that town. Of the gift of Turgot of Rossedal the hermitage of Lidel, with all the land adjacent to it; likewise the church of Kirchandres, with all things pertaining to it. Of the gift of Guy of Rossedal, with the assent and consent of Ralph his son, forty-two acres between Esche and Lidel, where Esche and Lidel meet. And the freedom of the water from the ditch of Lidel even to the church of Lidel. Of the gift of Ranulf of Soles, the church of the dale of Lidel, and the church of Dodintun beside Berton, and half a ploughgate of land in Nasebith. Of the gift of Gervase Ridal, who afterwards became canon of Jeddewrde, and of Ralph his brother, the church of Alboldesle with all its appurtenances and rights. Of the gift of William of Vipont, a ploughgate of land from his demesne in Cardene, with the common easement of the town. All these things moreover I grant and confirm to God and the blessed Mary and to the aforesaid canons, as entirely and fully as is contained in the authentic writings of my predecessors and the other good men that have conferred the aforesaid property on them. I will therefore and firmly charge, that my canons aforesaid, by my confirmation and authortiy, possess in perpetual peace, with all the liberties and free customs of their monastery, all things that they now hold or may hereafter justly hold, as freely and purely, exempt from every exaction, as any canons most freely, quietly and honourably hold the possessions, liberties, and free customs of their monastery, or any ecclesiastical rights whatsoever. And these are the witnesses of this my grant and confirmation: Richard, Bishop of Saint Andrews, Engelram Bishop of Glasgow, John, Abbo of Celceo, Everard Abbot of Holcultram, Nicholas the Chancellor, Matthew Archdeacon of Saint Andrews, Richard the chaplain, Walter son of Alan, Richard of Moreuille, Philip of Valoines, Robert Auenel, Bernard son of Brien, Gillebert son of Richer, David Ouieth. At Pebles.
173mm x 170mm
Number of copies held
Document Information
National Manuscripts of Scotland, vol. i., plate XXVIII, p. 20;
William I, king of Scots (d. 1214)
William I, king of Scots (d. 1214)
Date recorded
“Charter by King William the Lion to the Church of St Mary of Jedburgh, confirming prior grants and privileges, c. 1165,” School of History, Classics and Archaeology Teaching Collections, accessed November 11, 2024,