Charter by King Duncan II of Scotland to the monks of St Cuthbert of Tyninghame, c. 1094
Charter by King Duncan II of Scotland to the monks of St Cuthbert of Tyninghame, c. 1094
Number of Facsimile
Duncan II of Scotland
The monks of St Cuthbert
Ego Dunecanus filius regis Malcolumb constans hereditarie Rex Scotie, dedi in elemosina Sancto Cuthberto et suis seruitoribus Tiningeham, Aldeham, Scuchale, Cnolle, Hatheruuich, et de Broccesmuthe omne seruitium quod inde habuit Fodanus Episcopus. Et hec dedi in tali quitantia cum saca et soca, qualem unquam meliorem habuit Sanctus Cuthbertus, ab illis de quibus tenet suas elemosinas. Et hoc dedi pro me ipso, et pro anima patris mei, et pro fratribus meis, et pro uxore mea, et pro infantibus meis. Et quoniam uolui quod istud donum stabile esset Sancto Cuthberto, feci quod fratres mei concesserint. Qui autem istud voluerit destruere, vel ministris Sancti Cuthberti aliquid inde auferre, maledictionem Dei, et Sancti Cuthberti, et meam, habeat. Amen.
† Crux Dunecani Regis. † Malcolumb. † Eadgari. † Aceard. † Ulf. † Hermer. † Hemming. † Aelfric. † Teodbold. † Vinget. † Earnulf. † Scribtoris Grentonis.
† Crux Dunecani Regis. † Malcolumb. † Eadgari. † Aceard. † Ulf. † Hermer. † Hemming. † Aelfric. † Teodbold. † Vinget. † Earnulf. † Scribtoris Grentonis.
I Dunecan, son of King Malcolumb, by hereditary right King of Scotland, have given in alms to Saint Cuthbert and to his servants, Tiningeham, Aldeham, Scuchale, Cnolle, Hatheruuich, and of Broccesmuthe all the service which Fodan the bishop thence had. And these I have given in such quittance with sac and soc, as ever Saint Cuthbert has had best from those from whom he holds his alms. And this I have given for myself, for the soul of my father, for my brothers, and for my wife, and for my children. And because I would that this gift should be firm to Saint Cuthbert, I have made my brothers join in the grant. But whosoever would destroy this, or take from the servants of Saint Cuthbert any thing of it, let him bear the curse of God and of Saint Cuthbert and mine. Amen.
† The cross of Dunecan the King, † of Malcolumb, † of Eadgar, † of Aceard, † of Ulf, † of Hermer, † of Hemming, † of Aelfric, † of Teodbold, † of Vinget, † of Earnulf, † of Grento the writer
† The cross of Dunecan the King, † of Malcolumb, † of Eadgar, † of Aceard, † of Ulf, † of Hermer, † of Hemming, † of Aelfric, † of Teodbold, † of Vinget, † of Earnulf, † of Grento the writer
153mm x 326mm
Number of copies held
Document Information
National Manuscripts of Scotland, vol. i., plate II, p. 4
Duncan II of Scotland
Duncan II of Scotland
Date recorded
“Charter by King Duncan II of Scotland to the monks of St Cuthbert of Tyninghame, c. 1094,” School of History, Classics and Archaeology Teaching Collections, accessed February 19, 2025,