Letter by Warren Hastings to William Elphinstone, 27th July 1804
Letter by Warren Hastings to William Elphinstone, 27th July 1804
Number of Facsimile
Warren Hastings
William Elphinstone
Portugal street 27th July 1804
Though I am not officially apprised of the resolution passed on wednesday last in my favour by the Court of Directors, yet as I know the substance of it, and well know also how much I am indebted to the active and generous part which you have taken in this business, from its commencement, through every process of it, which you have conducted, I beg you to accept my most grateful thanks. I regret that I cannot express my sense of the obligation which you have laid upon me by such words as could distinguish it from the formality of a common and unfelt acknowledgement; but I entreat you to credit their sincerity.
To the generous motives which have actuated you upon this occasion it will be gratifying to be assured, and I do, Sir, most truly assure you, that I am not only satisfied with the bounty granted to me by the Court, but that I should have been contented and thankful, had the term of the grant commenced with the present time, instead of its considerate extension to the period of the past year.
I have the honor to be with very great respect, Sir,
Your most obedient
humble servant
Warren Hastings
The honble William Elphinstone
Though I am not officially apprised of the resolution passed on wednesday last in my favour by the Court of Directors, yet as I know the substance of it, and well know also how much I am indebted to the active and generous part which you have taken in this business, from its commencement, through every process of it, which you have conducted, I beg you to accept my most grateful thanks. I regret that I cannot express my sense of the obligation which you have laid upon me by such words as could distinguish it from the formality of a common and unfelt acknowledgement; but I entreat you to credit their sincerity.
To the generous motives which have actuated you upon this occasion it will be gratifying to be assured, and I do, Sir, most truly assure you, that I am not only satisfied with the bounty granted to me by the Court, but that I should have been contented and thankful, had the term of the grant commenced with the present time, instead of its considerate extension to the period of the past year.
I have the honor to be with very great respect, Sir,
Your most obedient
humble servant
Warren Hastings
The honble William Elphinstone
158mm x 200mm
Number of copies held
Date recorded
“Letter by Warren Hastings to William Elphinstone, 27th July 1804,” School of History, Classics and Archaeology Teaching Collections, accessed February 19, 2025, http://collections.shca.ed.ac.uk/items/show/287.