Letter by George, third Earl of Cromarty, 30th January 1762
Letter by George, third Earl of Cromarty, 30th January 1762
Number of Facsimile
George, third Earl of Cromarty
Poland Street, Jan 30th 1762
Sir, It’s a long time since I have had a letter from you; I hope your silence is not owing to any indisposition in your family, I – long to hear from you.–
The last time we heard from S: Carolina brought us the disagreeable news of Mr Atkin’s death, so now both my daughters there, have the misfortune of being widows; my son George is with the Regiment at Halifax in Nova Scotia; I heard lately from my Eldest Son, he was very well then, & he acquaints me that the King of Sweden has pleased to confer a new honour on him; by creating him a knight of the order of the Sword and the North Star; the Ensign, of this order is a Star Pendant at a buttonhole of the Coat, by a Ribbon: It is the most Hon’ble order they have in Sweden.
The rest of my family here, are very well, & join with me in best wishes for you & your family: and compliments to all friends who inquire about us: I am sincerely yours.
P.S. My Brother Roderick has assigned to my Eldest Son the superiority which I gave him in Ross Shire. My sons Charter and Sasin is to pass, this ensuing term, Mr Leod Urquhart will send North to have Infeftment taken, & I hope you will take care that Mr Urquhart’s direction be carefully observed. The valuation of this superiority amounts to 670 Pounds Scots, so that my Eldest Son will have within his power to make over to his Brother George 270 ll. & I will obtain from another friend, as much as with that, will give George a Qualification in Ross Shire; & Sir John Gordon is so kind as to give to both my Sons Qualifications in the Shire of Cromertie; this may hereafter be of Service; in the meantime it gives them some fooling in the Country.
Sir, It’s a long time since I have had a letter from you; I hope your silence is not owing to any indisposition in your family, I – long to hear from you.–
The last time we heard from S: Carolina brought us the disagreeable news of Mr Atkin’s death, so now both my daughters there, have the misfortune of being widows; my son George is with the Regiment at Halifax in Nova Scotia; I heard lately from my Eldest Son, he was very well then, & he acquaints me that the King of Sweden has pleased to confer a new honour on him; by creating him a knight of the order of the Sword and the North Star; the Ensign, of this order is a Star Pendant at a buttonhole of the Coat, by a Ribbon: It is the most Hon’ble order they have in Sweden.
The rest of my family here, are very well, & join with me in best wishes for you & your family: and compliments to all friends who inquire about us: I am sincerely yours.
P.S. My Brother Roderick has assigned to my Eldest Son the superiority which I gave him in Ross Shire. My sons Charter and Sasin is to pass, this ensuing term, Mr Leod Urquhart will send North to have Infeftment taken, & I hope you will take care that Mr Urquhart’s direction be carefully observed. The valuation of this superiority amounts to 670 Pounds Scots, so that my Eldest Son will have within his power to make over to his Brother George 270 ll. & I will obtain from another friend, as much as with that, will give George a Qualification in Ross Shire; & Sir John Gordon is so kind as to give to both my Sons Qualifications in the Shire of Cromertie; this may hereafter be of Service; in the meantime it gives them some fooling in the Country.
129mm x 203mm
Number of copies held
Date recorded
“Letter by George, third Earl of Cromarty, 30th January 1762,” School of History, Classics and Archaeology Teaching Collections, accessed February 19, 2025, http://collections.shca.ed.ac.uk/items/show/284.