Kennedy Papers
Kennedy Papers
"As formerly, I have good luck in picking up very many rare things for your museum. I enclose herewith two pages of an old book some hundreds of years old – supposed to be? It was found at the back of an ancient looking glass belonging to an aunt of Rev. Alexander Smithy Kinterrack.... Yours faithfully, G.G.A. Kennedy".
During the course of the Sir William Fraser digitisation project in July 2015, a packet containing fourteen very fragile eighteenth-century documents was found among the facsimile collections. Including a marriage contract from 1751, these papers give fragmented snapshots of the everyday lives of ordinary men and women in eighteenth-century Scotland.
Apart from one accompanying note dated 1910, quoted above, very little is known about this collection or how it came to be stored in the SHCA. The Kannedy Papers are now held by the CRC Special Collections in the Edinburgh University Library. Any further information about or research into these intriguing documents would be most welcome. Please contact
During the course of the Sir William Fraser digitisation project in July 2015, a packet containing fourteen very fragile eighteenth-century documents was found among the facsimile collections. Including a marriage contract from 1751, these papers give fragmented snapshots of the everyday lives of ordinary men and women in eighteenth-century Scotland.
Apart from one accompanying note dated 1910, quoted above, very little is known about this collection or how it came to be stored in the SHCA. The Kannedy Papers are now held by the CRC Special Collections in the Edinburgh University Library. Any further information about or research into these intriguing documents would be most welcome. Please contact